
Request a copy of a book

If you are a bookstore, retailer, or special event organizer, please send an email to our distributors, Independent Publishing Group (IPG) at or call (800) 888-4741. The more information, the better. Please make sure to include the following information, or more:

  • Title of book, author, and ISBN
  • Company/Name and shipping address

To arrange a signing or other event with one of SHP’s authors, please contact the author directly.

If you are representing a school or library, please order books through your account with Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Follett, or Barnes & Noble.

To request an Advance Reading Copy (ARC) to review, please send an email to our general mailbox ( and include the following information:

  • Title of book, author, and ISBN
  • Name and shipping address
  • Company or website you are doing the review for – please provide links

We have a limited supply of ARCs, so it will be first come, first serve. We’re sorry, we only ship within the Continental US.